Workplace COVID-19 vaccinations

In the summer of 2021, TSUNEISHI Group was one of the first to conduct workplace COVID-19 vaccination at an early stage. TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING was the first company in the Group to conduct the vaccinations.
Not only the employees and their family members can receive the vaccinations, the people living together and the employees from the partnering companies can also get the vaccination. All together there were about 4,000 people receiving COVID-19 vaccinations by making use of workplace vaccination.
The first vaccination was conducted in July 2021, the second in August 2021, and the third in April 2022. The employees whose work types were unsuitable to make use of work-at-home system were given priority to get their vaccination. We took detailed measures to cope with cancellations, side effect, etc. As everything was well prepared. As a result, the workplace vaccinations were carried out smoothly and without any troubles.
We provide a system that enables employees to take special leave for side effect after vaccinations, and to give help to their family members in vaccinations. We endeavor to create a favorable environment where our employees can fell at ease in vaccinations to promote employee engagement.

▲ Workplace vaccinations